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[Closed] Rust - Plugins - Better Loot

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Rust - Plugins - Better Loot

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

This plugin is an easy way to quickly increase the drop rate on all lootable boxes/crates.

This plugin can be done at a very high level. Or extremely granular giving you the ability to dictate spawn rates of specific items.

Below we will cover the basic high level usage. For more detail please read the uMod page

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Better Loot by Tryhard
  • Navigate to the below location in File Manager:
  • Home/Container/Oxide/Config/BetterLoot.json
  • Scroll to line 70 or search for: public int lootMultiplier = 1
    • Change this value typically to match your gather rate of ore and wood
    • Example a 5X server would set this to five
    • This option only effects items not scrap
  • Scroll to line 71 or search public int scrapMultiplier = 1
    • Change this value typically to match your gather rate of ore and wood
    • Example a 5X server would set this to five
  • Save content

Version: 1.0 Author: ThatHiGame


This topic was modified 2 years ago by ThatHiGamer
This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Shiro
