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[Closed] Rust - Plugins - Gather Manager

Knowledge Base Minion!
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Rust - Plugins - Gather Manager

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

Most common usage of this plugin is to simply increase all gather rates by X amount. Below are the basic and most common command lines you will want to update.

  • Log on to the game panel. 
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust:
  • Search for and install Gather Manager by Ryan
  • Navigate to Console on the left hand panel
  • Enter the below lines of code
  • Configure the numerical values as required
    • rate dispenser Wood 5
    • rate dispenser Stones 5
    • rate dispenser Cloth 5
    • rate dispenser "Sulfur Ore" 5
    • rate dispenser "Metal Ore" 5
    • rate dispenser "High Quality Metal Ore" 5
  • Changes will automatically save and take effect


Version Author: ThatHiGamer


This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by ThatHiGamer
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Shiro
