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[Closed] Rust - Plugins - Remover Tool

Knowledge Base Minion!
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Rust - Plugins - Remover Tool

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself.

This plugin allows players to use the /remove command to destroy objects.

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Remover Tool by Arainrr


  • Enter the /perms group in game panel and select relevant group
  • Select the Remover Tool Plugin
  • Admin
    • Enabled allows a user to remove all and any entity regardless of ownership
  • All
    • Required to remove all entities connected. Example: looking at a wall wil remove each item connected / touching this wall
  • External
    • For removing External High Walls
  • Normal
    • Allowing players to remove building structures they own one item at a time
  • Override
    • override the remover tool for players, If you set it to false, only players with the "removertool.override" permission can use the remover tool. This is NOT saved after a server restart or plugin restart!!! This is for use with Timed Executed if you want your server to have the remover tool only during a certain period of time.
  • Structure
    • Remove an entire building (won't remove buildings that are close to each other or deployables) (VERY fast even on big buildings)
  • Target
    • Enables or disables remove tool for targeted player


Chat commands

  • /remove  
    • Enable/Disable RemoverTool
  • /remove <admin | a> [time (seconds)] –
    • Enable admin RemoverTool. In this mode, any entity can be removed.
  • /remove all [time (seconds)] 
    • Remove everything that touchs each other starting where you are looking at (will remove multiple buildings if they are too close to each other) (might be slow for big buildings)
  • /remove <structure | s> [time (seconds)] 
    • Remove an entire building (won't remove buildings that are close to eachother or deployables) (VERY fast even on big buildings)
  • /remove <external | e> [time (seconds)] 
    • Remove adjacent high external walls
  • /remove <help | h> 
    • View help

Version: 1.0 Author: ThatHiGamer



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Shiro
