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Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the gullu.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract gullu.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select gullu.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Gullu’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Gullu’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and activate it. Then install all the required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘gullu>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

How to update premium plugins?

We have integrated some premium plugins with the theme and bundled those plugins with the theme. You don’t have to input your Themeforest product ID to unlock any theme features. We are not providing the third party plugin’s license along with the theme.

We are providing the plugins file only and we are continuously updating the bundled plugins with the theme updates. You can install/get those plugins on Appearance > Instal Plugins. Or you can get the plugin files in the rogan/inc/tgm/plugins folder.

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Gullu Core’, ‘Visual composer’ and ‘Codestar Framework’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

Control blank space between rows

You can control the space between rows from the visual composer’s shortcode section settings.
Select the shortcode section from the Visual composer page edit screen (backend or frontend editor) that you want to control. Check the Styling tab from the visual composer’s element settings. Take a look at the below screenshot of it-
Note:  Input the padding (spaces around the section) as clockwise (Top Right Bottom Left)

Game Servers

Docly is a powerful, responsive, and high-performance online documentation WordPress theme that can assist you quickly develop your next product’s documentation. It can be used for documenting API, frameworks, plugins, templates, software, manual etc. It includes a lot of elements to make your interactive documentation efficiently.


James Bond knackered cup of char show off show off pick your nose and blow off faff about it’s all gone to pot tosser that so I said, young delinquent happy days do one bite your arm off ummm I’m telling gutted mate amongst a blinding shot, nice one blatant only a quid smashing A bit of how’s your father plastered me old mucker.

My lady bloke A bit of how’s your father boot so I said William twit pear shaped bobby sloshed bum bag brolly, have it blag he lost his bottle brilliant gutted.

Plastered cack bog-standard hanky panky owt to do with me young delinquent chancer

Rust - Plugin - Stack Size Controller

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

This plugin is used to edit the stack sizes of all items.

Stacks can be edited at category level (Weapon, Tool etc) or at individual item level.

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Stack Size controller by AnExiledDev
  • Navigate to the below location in File Manager:
  • Home/Container/Oxide/Config/stacksizecontroller.json
  • Rows 7 – 24 are the item categories.
    • For ease you can just set a multiplier here of you choosing to apply to all items
  • Rows 28 – 825 are the individual items
    • For ease you can search a specific item with CTRL+F to locate it.
    • Modifying at an item level takes more work than category level
  • Save content


Rust - Server Maintenance - Can I hide my server from public list

NOTE This guide will explain server visibility

Without using additional tools which have not been tested, it is  not possible to hide your server from the public listings in the game.

However a tip to hide your server or make it harder to locate would be to insert random / foreign characters at the start of the server name such as: *-&^%$£?

Rust - Server Maintenance - Add a Custom Map

NOTE This guide will walk you through how to add a custom map
  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Startup on the left hand panel
  • Custom Map URL
    • Overwrites the map with the one from the direct download URL. Invalid URLs will cause the server to crash.
    • To create your URL simply upload your purchased map to dropbox then copy the shared link.
    • When pasting the link into the URL section it will look like so: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rn8e722v04yqfs7/mapname.map?dl=0
    • Ensure you change the dl=0 to dl=1 to be able to use this map

Rust Server Not Showing in Community/Modded List

Rust servers hosted by Shockbyte are automatically added to the Community or Modded server list in Rust, depending on if your server is modded or un-modded. If your server is not appearing in this list, it is usually caused by one of multiple common reasons.

If your server is not appearing in the Rust server lists, it can usually be solved with one of the following steps:

  1. Update your Rust server – If Rust is not up to date, the server will not appear. Our system will automatically update your server on every server restart if you haven’t restarted in a while please make sure you do with our schedule system.
  2. Update Oxide – If you are running Oxide on your server, this will need to be updated with every new Rust update (sometimes it can take a few hours for Oxide to release an update). You can update Oxide by simply restarting your server.
  3. Update any mods/plugins – If you have any modifications or plugins installed, ensure they are all up-to-date.
  4. Shorten the server name – The server display name (hostname) can cause the server to not show in the Rust server list if the name is too long or contains special characters. Try shortening the server name, or resetting it entirely and ensuring you only use letters and spaces in the name.
  5. Clear the Steam cache – To do this, access your server files via an FTP such as WinSCP or FileZilla or on the control panel under File Managers , then enter the Steam directory and delete both the “appcache” and “config” folder.
  6. Wait several minutes – If you still cannot see your server in the server list, it may also simply be because it hasn’t appeared yet. Sometimes it can take a few minutes for your server to appear due to the large number of servers being loaded.

If after trying all of the above steps carefully it still isn’t showing, try the following:

  1. In Steam on the top menu bar, click View and then Servers.
  2. On the window that was opened, click the Favourites tab.
  3. Click Add a server, enter your Server IP and click add to favourites.
  4. In Rust, you should now be able to see your server appear in the Favourited list after clicking refresh.

Please note that Rust will only show a maximum of 5000 servers at a time, which means it may take a while to show your server, or may not show at all. Rust will prioritise showing servers with a lower ping (servers closer to you). To transfer your server to a location closer to you, please make a support ticket.

If you are still unable to see your server on your community list it’s possible to join your server directly.

You can also submit a ticket to request a new Rust IP to be assigned to your server, which can often solve the issue.


Rust Admin & Console Commands List


Elementor elements, short codes contains in this section.

Video Widget

YouTube Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical

Self Hosted Local Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical 

Table Widget

table is a collection of related data held in a table format within a database. It consists of columns and rows.

In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column intersect.[

Basic Tables

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer

Dark Mode Table

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer

Tooltip & Direction

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Element . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Switch the OS dropdown on the right sidebar to see the specific keyboard shortcuts according to your OS. Keyboard shortcuts help you navigate Slack with minimal effort. You can see a quick list of shortcuts by pressing ⌘/ (Mac) and Ctrl/ (Windows/Linux) or take a look at the detailed lists below.

Keyboard shortcuts in List Style

Note: You can’t set custom keyboard shortcuts for Slack, but we may add this in the future. For now, use the shortcut above to see a quick list.

  • Align right – click Align right or use the shortcut CtrlShiftK ShiftK
  • Align left – click Align left or use Alt A A
  • Align top – click Align top or use  Alt W W
  • Align bottom – click Align bottom or use Alt S S
  • Align center – click Align center or use Alt X X
  • Align middle – click Align middle or use Alt Y Y
ActionShortcut Key
Previous unread channel or DM ctrl D D
Jump to a conversation ctrl k k
Move focus to the previous section shift F6
Browse direct messages
ctrl shift k shift k
Browse channels ctrl shift L shift L
Compose a new message ctrl N N
Open the Threads view** ctrl shift T shift T
Previous channel or DM visited ctrl ] ]
Collapse or open the left sidebar ctrl shift . shift .

Password (demo)

Unordered list items

The HTML  element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

  • List Item Docly Settings > Header > Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

The HTML  element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

  1. List Item Docly Settings > Header > Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

List Items Style

Unordered list items

The HTML  element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

  • List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

The HTML  element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

  1. List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

7 Days to Die

Display documentation page layout variations.

Sticky Header with Classic Navbar

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Box Layout Right Sidebar Disabled

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita? 

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem 

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Full-width Layout

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Full width and Right Sidebar Hidden

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Sticky Header with Box Layout

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

ARK Survival Evolved

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Footnote Default

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Footnote 2 Columns

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam [8] quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Footnote 3 Columns

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam [8] quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi [9] laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Footnote 4 Columns

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam [8] quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi [9] laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipiscii ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendisi similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem [10] at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.

Eget cupiditate consequatur aenean irure voluptas! Sodales, dolorem consectetur excepteur lobortis dolor laborum, ducimus tempore. Curabitur dignissimos neque, per nunc montes [11] repellat tempus vitae, cursus imperdiet quo ad! Vel cillum. Luctus officiis, dui tortor nihil? Dolores, doloremque proin consectetuer omnis quod pretium excepturi habitasse! Expedita animi rutrum aliquet? Eleifend dolorum sit reiciendis? Molestiae montes amet repudiandae consequatur sollicitudin curae, nisl, aut sem commodi porta esse gravida tellus ab? Cursus soluta class quam cum pretium, parturient nibh posuere? Pretium ex parturient? Provident praesent nam labore! Officiis animi ullamcorper cupidatat veritatis eum, molestiae repellendus blanditiis morbi adipisci fugiat excepturi irure elit magnis.

Aut porttitor taciti, inventore quo nihil placeat lacus veniam proin etiam. Dolorem, pellentesque [12] venenatis netus eget, conubia sed? Montes, do consequat iste minima euismod maiores, ullam. Vel habitasse laboris eligendi. Distinctio iaculis? Fames aspernatur, do? Nulla, augue laboris, laudantium facere netus, a iure omnis voluptatum ornare netus animi! Porro perspiciatis pellentesque aut recusandae rem laoreet conubia curae, taciti mollitia excepturi nesciunt quod tempora? Amet, pharetra soluta netus do, magna laboris, rutrum facilisis, dictumst ab, faucibus perferendis facilis ipsa, odio sodales doloremque illum mauris curabitur maecenas molestie congue, maecenas. Consequatur quidem? Cubilia repellendus distinctio. Ridiculus erat dolore. Phasellus ullamco assumenda aliquam.

Aliquam. Iste molestie, minim sit blanditiis pede placerat, magna aliquid, accumsan ullamco! Potenti? Accusamus! Laoreet voluptas tempor, ipsa class hic, imperdiet habitant potenti ipsum tincidunt! Ac mollitia nunc? Viverra varius volutpat mus, dapibus nullam officia class. Cupidatat irure, odit aenean! Mus scelerisque, mauris natoque mi sapien mi temporibus. Quidem! Facilisi? Perspiciatis? Voluptatum, in dis, minima atque, pretium dolorem ullam natus aut? Voluptatem sagittis! Id etiam delectus, mollit pharetra, mi enim! Dui bibendum, nobis consectetuer. Sequi! Bibendum primis curabitur tortor. Lacus tortor maecenas quos mi inceptos qui facilisis eligendi dictum qui? Nostrud donec, laudantium minus rhoncus nostra duis hac possimus fugiat.



Palworld premium game server host! Dive into an unparalleled hosting experience for a world where survival, creature management, and exploration meet in a captivating way with WeOxide Game Hosting

Palworld Server Admin Commands

At its initial launch, Palworld offers a few commands for dedicated server owners. If you’ve created your own server or use WeOxide to instantly host your server, you can use these commands in either In-Game or via RCON.

After further testing these commands, we found that you can use either the Player UID or player Steam ID, when targeting players for commands.

Below is a list of server commands that are currently available:

/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText}Gracefully shuts down server with an optional timer and/or message to notify players in your server.
/DoExitForcefully shuts down the server immediately. It is not recommended to use this option unless you’ve got a technical problem or are okay with potentially losing data.
/Broadcast {MessageText}Broadcasts a message to all players in the server.
/KickPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}Kicks player from the server. Useful for getting a player’s attention with moderation.
/BanPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}Bans player from the server. The Player will not be able to rejoin the server until they are unbanned.
/TeleportToPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}INGAME ONLY Immediately teleport to the target player
/TeleportToMe {PlayerUID or SteamID}INGAME ONLY Immediately teleports target player to you.
/ShowPlayersShows information on all connected players
/InfoShows server information
/SaveSave the world data to disk. Useful to ensure your Pal, player, and other data is saved before stopping the server or performing a risky gameplay option.

Join Palworld Server via hostname

Join Palworld Server via hostname

Having trouble joining your Palworld server via a DNS hostname? You aren’t alone. As of the initial launch of Palworld’s Early Access launch on January 19th, 2024, it appears the game does not natively support the ability to use anything outside of your server’s IP address and port.

Get a Dedicated IP address with WeOxide

When you host your Palworld Server at Nodecraft, you can always use the default port and feel confident knowing your server has a dedicated IP address that isn’t shared with other servers.

Joining Your WeOxide Palworld Server

Once you have a Palworld WeOxide instance deployed and the server has been started, you’ll be able to connect to your own world.

Your dedicated IP address will be located on the Console tab of your server panel.

Copy this IP address and start up the game.

In the Main Menu, click Join Multiplayer Game

Paste your IP address along with the port into the text box on the bottom of the interface. Make sure to include the port :8211  or whatever port is displayed on console of server when connecting.

Banning and Unbanning Players on your Palworld Server

This guide will cover how to ban players from your Palworld server, as well as how to unban them!

Become an Admin

First things first, you’ll want to become an Admin for your server, we have a guide on how to do that here: https://wiki.weoxide.host/docs/game-servers/palworld/how-to-become-admin-of-your-palworld-server/

Finding a Player’s SteamID

Next, you’ll need to know the player’s SteamID, you’ll want to make use of the Show Players command, which shows information on all connected players. Press the Enter key and type:


The second, longer ID here is the SteamID64 of the player that you can use for banning them.

Banning Players

When you want to ban a player, the command is:

/BanPlayer {SteamID}

Example: /BanPlayer 1234567

Kicking Players

If you need to just kick a player from the server, the command is:

/KickPlayer {SteamID}

Example: /KickPlayer 1234567

Unbanning Players

As of the initial launch of Palworld’s Early Access on January 19th, 2024, there is no unban command.

However, you can unban a player by editing a file directly in the “File Manager” tab of the Panel. The file is located in the /Pal/Saved/SaveGames folder and you’ll see the /banlist.txt file.

Make sure the Server is offline, then select the file, click the Edit button, and then you can delete the SteamID of the player you wish to unban.

Code Okaidia Theme

Inline code

Wrap inline snippets of code with<code>. Be sure to escape HTML angle brackets.

For example, <section>should be wrapped as inline.
					For example, <code><section></code> should be wrapped as inline.				

Code blocks

Use <pre>s for multiple lines of code. Once again, be sure to escape any angle brackets in the code for proper rendering. You may optionally add the .pre-scrollable class, which will set a max-height of 350px and provide a y-axis scrollbar.

					<ul class="list-unstyled f_social_icon">
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_facebook"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_twitter"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_vimeo"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_linkedin"><i><a><li>

CSS Code

					.footnotes-link::before {
    display: none;

.footnotes-link {
    color: #10b3d6;

.tip_content p {
    font-size: 14px;

.tip_content p:last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0;

.footnotes_item strong {
    position: relative;

span.top-arrow {
    position: absolute;
    top: -3px;

JavaScript Code

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        mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom',
        image: {
            enabled: true,
            navigateByImgClick: true,
            preload: [0, 1]

Code Twilight Theme

Inline code

Wrap inline snippets of code with<code>. Be sure to escape HTML angle brackets.

For example, <section>should be wrapped as inline.
					For example, <code><section></code> should be wrapped as inline.				

Code blocks

Use <pre>s for multiple lines of code. Once again, be sure to escape any angle brackets in the code for proper rendering. You may optionally add the .pre-scrollable class, which will set a max-height of 350px and provide a y-axis scrollbar.

					<ul class="list-unstyled f_social_icon">
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_facebook"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_twitter"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_vimeo"><i><a><li>
    <li><a href="#"><i class="social_linkedin"><i><a><li>

CSS Code

					.footnotes-link::before {
    display: none;

.footnotes-link {
    color: #10b3d6;

.tip_content p {
    font-size: 14px;

.tip_content p:last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0;

.footnotes_item strong {
    position: relative;

span.top-arrow {
    position: absolute;
    top: -3px;

JavaScript Code

					$(".img_popup").each(function () {
        type: 'image',
        closeOnContentClick: true,
        closeBtnInside: false,
        fixedContentPos: true,
        removalDelay: 300,
        mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom',
        image: {
            enabled: true,
            navigateByImgClick: true,
            preload: [0, 1]

Getting Started

Welcome to docbuzz ! Get familiar with the Stripe products and explore their features:

To use Docbuzz WordPress theme you must have WordPress engine installed. We assume you have a working version of WordPress already up and running. We also encourage you to actively use the links below. These useful resources cover most of the general WordPress questions you may have:

Server Requirements

To use Saasland WordPress theme you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.6 or more and MySQL 5.0+ running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the rogan.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract rogan.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select rogan.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance > Themes page to activate the theme.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Rogan’ demos, you have to import the demo content. We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature in Rogan. You can import the demo content by a click only.

Install the theme and activate it. Then install all the required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated before you begin.  Then navigate to “Appearance > Import Demo Data” to import the demo data and click on the “Import Demo Data” button.

After Demo Import

After successfully importing the demo content, you will find all the pages in your WordPress admin dashboard’s Pages menu. Find your desired homepage there and start editing this page with Elementor.
Also, you can set your Homepage demo as the Frontpage of your website from Settings > Reading.

Tips: Clean your WordPress site before reinstalling a Demo. You can clean your WordPress with the WP Reset plugin.

An alternative method to import the demo content.

However, you will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘rogan>inc>demos this path. If you failed to import the demo content with one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘contents.xml’ file.
  2. Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widgets.wie’ file.
  3. Now you have to import the Theme Settings as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Import / Export‘. Then click on the Import from File button and copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the settings.json file.

Plugins Installation

After activating the Rogan WordPress theme, you will see a message that tells you to install some required and recommended plugins, click on Begin Installing Plugins or if you can’t see that message, Go to Appearance > Install plugins and star install all the plugins

Next step select all the plugins and change the drop-down menu to Install then click on the Apply button and wait for the installation process.

After installing plugins you will redirect to plugins list, again select all the plugins and change drop down this time to Activate and click on Apply button then wait for the activation process.

If you faced any problem or couldn’t install plugins, feel free to open a support ticket.

Theme Options

Set It And Forget It. Theme Options Are Global Settings That Affect The Entire Site.

Page Options

Rogan Page Options get even more interesting in the creative process. These are a set of options that can be used on every single page or post, and will only affect the individual page you use them on.

Need one page to have a different background or different header layout than other pages? No problem, Rogan Page Options to the rescue!

Page Options Override Theme Options To Allow Extreme Control Over Each Page Or Post. Theme Settings are global, page options are individual. This setup gives you amazing creative flexibility that becomes indispensable when you start creating your site. Having the option to freely choose how individual pages are styled is incredible freedom.

For example, you can choose an individual logo or header style for a specific page only from Rogan Page Options. You can find the Page Options at the bottom of the WordPress page editor.

Rogan Page Options

Theme Settings

Set It And Forget It. Theme Options Are Global Settings That Affect The Entire Site.
This section will provide you an in-depth guide on how to use the Theme Settings.

The Theme Settings allow you to easily make site-wide changes. They are built to interact with every element on the site so you can quickly modify elements and have it populate across every page and post.

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize the content from the Theme Settings page. Here you will find all the relevant settings to customize the theme.

To access the Theme Settings page, go to- Dashboard > Theme Settings. You will find this page at the top of the Appearance menu

Options Page 03

Options Page 04


Frequently asked questions and answers.

Dedicated IP or Shared IP?

What is a dedicated IP address?

When using the term dedicated IP, we are referencing the difference between a shared IP and a dedicated IP address.

Shared IP Address

A shared IP is used by several other servers alongside each other. This means that users have potential of bumping into other servers on the same IP and attacks directed at another service on the IP may too affect your service. This also often means you have a non-standard port for your game server and is generally confusing for many users when trying to setup DNS. For these reasons, we do not support shared IP addresses for game servers.

Dedicated IP Address

A dedicated IP is assigned to one customer for one service. This keeps our customers isolated from one another and ensures the standard port for game servers are used. This allows for much easier DNS configuration for customers, as well as isolates them to a single IP address, should they want to use any additional ports. We assign this at a small fee for our customers.

How to set site’s favicon?

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon-

How to change author avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never set-up a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.

If you already registered at gravatar.com:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and they will appear on site.

How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Gullu theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and set the menu button, navigation bar settings etc.

Theme updating issue

Sometimes, your website may break when you update the new version of the theme.

You have to delete the Gullu core plugin before installing the updated theme in this case. Then install the plugin again from Appearance > Install plugins after installing the new version.

Page Options

Rogan Page Options get even more interesting in the creative process. These are a set of options that can be used on every single page or post, and will only affect the individual page you use them on.

Need one page to have a different background or different header layout than other pages? No problem, Rogan Page Options to the rescue!

Page Options Override Theme Options To Allow Extreme Control Over Each Page Or Post. Theme Settings are global, page options are individual. This setup gives you amazing creative flexibility that becomes indispensable when you start creating your site. Having the option to freely choose how individual pages are styled is incredible freedom.

For example, you can choose an individual logo or header style for a specific page only from Rogan Page Options. You can find the Page Options at the bottom of the WordPress page editor.

Rogan Page Options

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the gullu.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract gullu.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select gullu.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image Optimizer, CW Image Optimizer, Imsanity and Hammy. Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Footnote Default

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the charles.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract charles.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select charles.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Charles’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Charles’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘charles>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Charles Core’, ‘Elementor’ and ‘Piklist’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

System Requirements

To use Charles you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.4 or more running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the charles.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract charles.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select charles.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the aprimo.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract aprimo.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select aprimo.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Contact Page

You can create and configure the Contact page by following the below steps-

Creating the Contact page

Navigate from your WordPress dashboard to Pages > Add New. Then Select the page template as “Contact Page” and click on the Publish button to create the Contact page.

Configuring the Contact page

Go to Theme Settings > Contact Page Settings from your WordPress dashboard to configure the Contact page settings. Here you will get everything you need to change the Contact page template.

Demo Import

You have to import the demo content successfully if you want your site look exactly like the ‘Aprimo’ demo.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Aprimo‘ WordPress theme. You can import all demo contents just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the Theme Settings data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file. You will find the options.txt in this path- inc/demo{disired-demo-number}/txt

Find your page:

Every demo has 3 pages including the  Default homepage, Gradient homepage, and the Particle background homepage. Navigate to Pages from your WordPress dashboard menu to see all pages. Take a look the below screenshot-
Navigate to Settings > Reading to set your specific page as the front page (homepage).

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually. You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘aprimo>inc/demo{disired-demo-number}’ this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘contents.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widgets.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.


Required plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Faster Core’, ‘Visual composer’ and ‘Codestar Framework’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at there Appearance > Install Plugins.


James Bond knackered cup of char show off show off pick your nose and blow off faff about it’s all gone to pot tosser that so I said, young delinquent happy days do one bite your arm off ummm I’m telling gutted mate amongst a blinding shot, nice one blatant only a quid smashing A bit of how’s your father plastered me old mucker.

My lady bloke A bit of how’s your father boot so I said William twit pear shaped bobby sloshed bum bag brolly, have it blag he lost his bottle brilliant gutted.

Plastered cack bog-standard hanky panky owt to do with me young delinquent chancer

Rust - Plugin - Stack Size Controller

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

This plugin is used to edit the stack sizes of all items.

Stacks can be edited at category level (Weapon, Tool etc) or at individual item level.

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Stack Size controller by AnExiledDev
  • Navigate to the below location in File Manager:
  • Home/Container/Oxide/Config/stacksizecontroller.json
  • Rows 7 – 24 are the item categories.
    • For ease you can just set a multiplier here of you choosing to apply to all items
  • Rows 28 – 825 are the individual items
    • For ease you can search a specific item with CTRL+F to locate it.
    • Modifying at an item level takes more work than category level
  • Save content


Rust - Server Maintenance - Can I hide my server from public list

NOTE This guide will explain server visibility

Without using additional tools which have not been tested, it is  not possible to hide your server from the public listings in the game.

However a tip to hide your server or make it harder to locate would be to insert random / foreign characters at the start of the server name such as: *-&^%$£?

Rust - Server Maintenance - Add a Custom Map

NOTE This guide will walk you through how to add a custom map
  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Startup on the left hand panel
  • Custom Map URL
    • Overwrites the map with the one from the direct download URL. Invalid URLs will cause the server to crash.
    • To create your URL simply upload your purchased map to dropbox then copy the shared link.
    • When pasting the link into the URL section it will look like so: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rn8e722v04yqfs7/mapname.map?dl=0
    • Ensure you change the dl=0 to dl=1 to be able to use this map

Rust Server Not Showing in Community/Modded List

Rust servers hosted by Shockbyte are automatically added to the Community or Modded server list in Rust, depending on if your server is modded or un-modded. If your server is not appearing in this list, it is usually caused by one of multiple common reasons.

If your server is not appearing in the Rust server lists, it can usually be solved with one of the following steps:

  1. Update your Rust server – If Rust is not up to date, the server will not appear. Our system will automatically update your server on every server restart if you haven’t restarted in a while please make sure you do with our schedule system.
  2. Update Oxide – If you are running Oxide on your server, this will need to be updated with every new Rust update (sometimes it can take a few hours for Oxide to release an update). You can update Oxide by simply restarting your server.
  3. Update any mods/plugins – If you have any modifications or plugins installed, ensure they are all up-to-date.
  4. Shorten the server name – The server display name (hostname) can cause the server to not show in the Rust server list if the name is too long or contains special characters. Try shortening the server name, or resetting it entirely and ensuring you only use letters and spaces in the name.
  5. Clear the Steam cache – To do this, access your server files via an FTP such as WinSCP or FileZilla or on the control panel under File Managers , then enter the Steam directory and delete both the “appcache” and “config” folder.
  6. Wait several minutes – If you still cannot see your server in the server list, it may also simply be because it hasn’t appeared yet. Sometimes it can take a few minutes for your server to appear due to the large number of servers being loaded.

If after trying all of the above steps carefully it still isn’t showing, try the following:

  1. In Steam on the top menu bar, click View and then Servers.
  2. On the window that was opened, click the Favourites tab.
  3. Click Add a server, enter your Server IP and click add to favourites.
  4. In Rust, you should now be able to see your server appear in the Favourited list after clicking refresh.

Please note that Rust will only show a maximum of 5000 servers at a time, which means it may take a while to show your server, or may not show at all. Rust will prioritise showing servers with a lower ping (servers closer to you). To transfer your server to a location closer to you, please make a support ticket.

If you are still unable to see your server on your community list it’s possible to join your server directly.

You can also submit a ticket to request a new Rust IP to be assigned to your server, which can often solve the issue.


Rust Admin & Console Commands List

Adipisci quaerat quia?

Cras tenetur aute doloribus quibusdam interdum fugit, diam hac mollis? Mollis fames veritatis phasellus facilis nascetur nonummy, eleifend placerat nisl enim eveniet corrupti imperdiet. Incidunt duis sequi mollit, hendrerit quod! Nostra tempus cum, lacus, ut, sapien error sagittis ornare blandit fugit turpis? Facere qui reprehenderit dolorum accusantium adipisci! Quo taciti, nascetur leo velit ultricies? Vulputate cupiditate! Luctus magni lobortis ducimus, autem arcu, illum aliquam facilisi suspendisse, vivamus at. Adipisci vestibulum, egestas dictum? Quas placeat impedit nesciunt nascetur justo tempora accumsan? Torquent! Viverra pariatur mi? Per itaque curae! Class, wisi condimentum exercitationem ad sequi voluptatum expedita. Veniam vero magnis sapien feugiat.

Convallis suscipit? Auctor distinctio erat interdum. Fringilla doloribus phasellus nostrud? Asperiores diam, quam animi irure mi diam eiusmod! Ridiculus! Excepturi sociis ipsa mattis. Sapiente laoreet massa, ultricies maxime, veritatis mollitia qui maecenas tempus aenean, inventore fugit, molestias iaculis rerum totam senectus lacus tellus wisi blanditiis irure volutpat habitasse, sem dignissim a minima, voluptatem aspernatur beatae volutpat, ratione sodales omnis ipsum beatae sollicitudin taciti accusamus volutpat ex? Elementum officiis saepe purus! Dicta placerat. Iusto massa porttitor! Anim doloribus eu varius ridiculus risus sem lacinia eleifend laboriosam tristique aspernatur commodi ex primis! Excepteur, occaecati corrupti praesentium, iaculis dui, curae at? Blanditiis rutrum.

Blanditiis, aute suspendisse eget! Dis vulputate fermentum pellentesque nec, dapibus? Do eligendi, voluptatibus mollis nobis cras. Aptent aut. Sed rem, exercitationem nullam, eleifend risus? Porttitor, nam, pulvinar est, quos tincidunt, voluptatibus qui iaculis pharetra tincidunt, ridiculus! Sociosqu harum culpa eum ab ullam, hac possimus. Fugit, laoreet fermentum occaecati. Mus nam? Risus pulvinar, voluptas gravida porttitor magna molestias! Suspendisse, ipsam laborum. Sociosqu inceptos! Laudantium pariatur. Dui, numquam? Exercitationem cupidatat adipiscing at voluptatem accusantium occaecat error quidem eius ullamcorper tempore soluta quod pellentesque officia eos voluptatum condimentum. Donec tempore, sem est netus quisquam, tempus euismod dolorum laboris officiis ultrices ipsum libero sodales.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and change the page/post’s Title bar padding, Page margin-top, Title bar overlay color etc.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

Sample Doc Title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options Header Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Sticky Header with Classic Navbar

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the aprimo.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract aprimo.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select aprimo.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Video Widget

YouTube Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical

Self Hosted Local Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical 

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy. Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and set the menu button, navigation bar settings etc.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy and Compress JPEG & PNG images

Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Server Requirements

To use Saasland WordPress theme you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.6 or more and MySQL 5.0+ running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

Theme updating issue

Sometimes, your website may break when you update the new version of the theme.

You have to delete the Charles core plugin before installing the updated theme in this case. Then install the plugin again from Appearance > Install plugins after installing the new version.

Doc title example

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

Contact Page

You can create and configure the Contact page by following the below steps-

Creating the Contact page

Navigate from your WordPress dashboard to Pages > Add New. Then Select the page template as “Contact Page” and click on the Publish button to create the Contact page.

Configuring the Contact page

Go to Theme Settings > Contact Page Settings from your WordPress dashboard to configure the Contact page settings. Here you will get everything you need to change the Contact page template.

This is a doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the rogan.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract rogan.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select rogan.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance > Themes page to activate the theme.

Theme Settings

Set It And Forget It. Theme Options Are Global Settings That Affect The Entire Site.
This section will provide you an in-depth guide on how to use the Theme Settings.

The Theme Settings allow you to easily make site-wide changes. They are built to interact with every element on the site so you can quickly modify elements and have it populate across every page and post.

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize the content from the Theme Settings page. Here you will find all the relevant settings to customize the theme.

To access the Theme Settings page, go to- Dashboard > Theme Settings. You will find this page at the top of the Appearance menu

Your theme (Gullu) contains outdated copies

This message appears when WooCommerce plugin changes any of its core files. Usually, this happens when WooCommerce publishes a major update or any minor update after the major update. (Example. 3.3, 3.3.1)

We recommend clients to always read the changelog of your theme if the latest update of the theme supports that version of WooCommerce as noted in the plugin itself throughout the theme.

If you recently updated WooCommerce, you might have spotted a notice like this on your Plugins page.

If you see that the latest version of the theme doesn’t support the released WooCommerce version then please wait until we release a theme update that will support the latest version of this plugin.

If you accidentally updated the plugin then don’t worry, we probably are working on the update and when the theme update is ready you will be notified by email if you have already enabled.

Palworld Server Admin Commands

At its initial launch, Palworld offers a few commands for dedicated server owners. If you’ve created your own server or use WeOxide to instantly host your server, you can use these commands in either In-Game or via RCON.

After further testing these commands, we found that you can use either the Player UID or player Steam ID, when targeting players for commands.

Below is a list of server commands that are currently available:

/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText}Gracefully shuts down server with an optional timer and/or message to notify players in your server.
/DoExitForcefully shuts down the server immediately. It is not recommended to use this option unless you’ve got a technical problem or are okay with potentially losing data.
/Broadcast {MessageText}Broadcasts a message to all players in the server.
/KickPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}Kicks player from the server. Useful for getting a player’s attention with moderation.
/BanPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}Bans player from the server. The Player will not be able to rejoin the server until they are unbanned.
/TeleportToPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID}INGAME ONLY Immediately teleport to the target player
/TeleportToMe {PlayerUID or SteamID}INGAME ONLY Immediately teleports target player to you.
/ShowPlayersShows information on all connected players
/InfoShows server information
/SaveSave the world data to disk. Useful to ensure your Pal, player, and other data is saved before stopping the server or performing a risky gameplay option.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Gullu’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Gullu’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and activate it. Then install all the required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘gullu>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

How to update premium plugins?

We have integrated some premium plugins with the theme and bundled those plugins with the theme. You don’t have to input your Themeforest product ID to unlock any theme features. We are not providing the third party plugin’s license along with the theme.

We are providing the plugins file only and we are continuously updating the bundled plugins with the theme updates. You can install/get those plugins on Appearance > Instal Plugins. Or you can get the plugin files in the rogan/inc/tgm/plugins folder.

Footnote 2 Columns

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam [8] quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Dedicated IP or Shared IP?

What is a dedicated IP address?

When using the term dedicated IP, we are referencing the difference between a shared IP and a dedicated IP address.

Shared IP Address

A shared IP is used by several other servers alongside each other. This means that users have potential of bumping into other servers on the same IP and attacks directed at another service on the IP may too affect your service. This also often means you have a non-standard port for your game server and is generally confusing for many users when trying to setup DNS. For these reasons, we do not support shared IP addresses for game servers.

Dedicated IP Address

A dedicated IP is assigned to one customer for one service. This keeps our customers isolated from one another and ensures the standard port for game servers are used. This allows for much easier DNS configuration for customers, as well as isolates them to a single IP address, should they want to use any additional ports. We assign this at a small fee for our customers.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

Table Widget

table is a collection of related data held in a table format within a database. It consists of columns and rows.

In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column intersect.[

Basic Tables

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer

Dark Mode Table

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer


Elementor elements, short codes contains in this section.

Video Widget

YouTube Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical

Self Hosted Local Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical 

Table Widget

table is a collection of related data held in a table format within a database. It consists of columns and rows.

In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column intersect.[

Basic Tables

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer

Dark Mode Table

Since Docly is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can safley use Bootstrap’s table classes to style your table. We also added more table styles and functionality to our template.

# First Name Last Name Username Email
Pomodoro timer

Tooltip & Direction

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Element . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Switch the OS dropdown on the right sidebar to see the specific keyboard shortcuts according to your OS. Keyboard shortcuts help you navigate Slack with minimal effort. You can see a quick list of shortcuts by pressing ⌘/ (Mac) and Ctrl/ (Windows/Linux) or take a look at the detailed lists below.

Keyboard shortcuts in List Style

Note: You can’t set custom keyboard shortcuts for Slack, but we may add this in the future. For now, use the shortcut above to see a quick list.

  • Align right – click Align right or use the shortcut CtrlShiftK ShiftK
  • Align left – click Align left or use Alt A A
  • Align top – click Align top or use  Alt W W
  • Align bottom – click Align bottom or use Alt S S
  • Align center – click Align center or use Alt X X
  • Align middle – click Align middle or use Alt Y Y
ActionShortcut Key
Previous unread channel or DM ctrl D D
Jump to a conversation ctrl k k
Move focus to the previous section shift F6
Browse direct messages
ctrl shift k shift k
Browse channels ctrl shift L shift L
Compose a new message ctrl N N
Open the Threads view** ctrl shift T shift T
Previous channel or DM visited ctrl ] ]
Collapse or open the left sidebar ctrl shift . shift .

Password (demo)

Unordered list items

The HTML  element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

  • List Item Docly Settings > Header > Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

The HTML  element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

  1. List Item Docly Settings > Header > Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

List Items Style

Unordered list items

The HTML  element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

  • List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

The HTML  element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

  1. List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Charles’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Charles’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘charles>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.


Supposed to be commonly asked issues, questions & troubleshoot tricks are in this section.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).

How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.


If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

Recusandae sapien cursus

Magnis adipisci culpa turpis proin velit, ligula laboris modi nam aut, debitis massa praesentium gravida dicta nam aliquet interdum? Rerum ullamco! Amet veniam repudiandae. Ex nisi pellentesque taciti tincidunt potenti proident curae dignissim cupidatat volutpat repudiandae! Iusto at, eiusmod excepturi. Pulvinar molestias, leo massa? Gravida diam. Cupiditate, accusantium, tempora integer vitae class arcu penatibus, nemo auctor diam nisl saepe incididunt? Egestas. Adipiscing architecto doloremque anim dicta nonummy eaque? Sed a exercitationem pede! Quae egestas lacus. Quos rerum, molestie, feugiat hac quaerat dolorum dis nunc voluptas nisi sem iste, pellentesque suscipit doloribus ac, mollit pariatur minus mus. Etiam sociosqu scelerisque donec.

Debitis felis leo vestibulum architecto? Parturient, corrupti vivamus, elit labore? Vivamus sapiente? Nisl vitae, facilisi suspendisse saepe neque? Voluptas sapien unde debitis quasi sem! Luctus incididunt repellendus, facilis id, ultricies, anim, donec, nemo, nostrum conubia, esse, aenean qui ut voluptatum aliquet diamlorem neque tortor habitant. Eum ridiculus penatibus? Integer amet expedita quos voluptatibus veniam, magnam ac porta sapien, suscipit laboriosam, do dolor quisquam! Iusto, modi. Laboris, ridiculus mi assumenda morbi a vitae vivamus illo aut leo. Maecenas, maecenas integer fames autem temporibus? Ratione recusandae, velit inventore nisl, nascetur at optio, class, quidem lacinia metus felis nibh, ratione tortor numquam rhoncus.

Laudantium taciti pretium esse magnis quis eiusmod! Quis eius eros aspernatur bibendum beatae, mauris do lacus? Ullamcorper quaerat elementum hymenaeos! Alias voluptatem exercitation pharetra, magni, voluptas in hendrerit, ut ratione nascetur, sagittis, eiusmod dignissimos quas. Lacus, accumsan ut culpa fusce, magna consequatur? Primis litora? Voluptas platea aute lacus, aut turpis, congue convallis fringilla platea hic facilisi! Maecenas dolorem nostrum ipsam ducimus massa massa penatibus lobortis consequat, ante commodo ut laborum, pellentesque dis sequi dicta interdum tellus sunt sed. Nemo fringilla, ullamcorper congue voluptatem taciti! Esse cupidatat, iure saepe magnis, at, mus consequatur perferendis potenti maiores accusantium, sagittis ultrices quidem autem.

How to (FAQs)

Harum proident? Volutpat sint. Dicta. Eleifend, distinctio placeat nec commodo asperiores posuere fusce illo, adipiscing leo velit ipsum. Mauris enim itaque penatibus, consectetur fermentum, vel temporibus interdum

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Charles theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


Direction Shortcode

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Demo Import

You have to import the demo content successfully if you want your site look exactly like the ‘Aprimo’ demo.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Aprimo‘ WordPress theme. You can import all demo contents just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the Theme Settings data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file. You will find the options.txt in this path- inc/demo{disired-demo-number}/txt

Find your page:

Every demo has 3 pages including the  Default homepage, Gradient homepage, and the Particle background homepage. Navigate to Pages from your WordPress dashboard menu to see all pages. Take a look the below screenshot-
Navigate to Settings > Reading to set your specific page as the front page (homepage).

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually. You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘aprimo>inc/demo{disired-demo-number}’ this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘contents.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widgets.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.


Join Palworld Server via hostname

Join Palworld Server via hostname

Having trouble joining your Palworld server via a DNS hostname? You aren’t alone. As of the initial launch of Palworld’s Early Access launch on January 19th, 2024, it appears the game does not natively support the ability to use anything outside of your server’s IP address and port.

Get a Dedicated IP address with WeOxide

When you host your Palworld Server at Nodecraft, you can always use the default port and feel confident knowing your server has a dedicated IP address that isn’t shared with other servers.

Joining Your WeOxide Palworld Server

Once you have a Palworld WeOxide instance deployed and the server has been started, you’ll be able to connect to your own world.

Your dedicated IP address will be located on the Console tab of your server panel.

Copy this IP address and start up the game.

In the Main Menu, click Join Multiplayer Game

Paste your IP address along with the port into the text box on the bottom of the interface. Make sure to include the port :8211  or whatever port is displayed on console of server when connecting.

Voluptatibus massa tempor

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).

Box Layout Right Sidebar Disabled

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita? 

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem 

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

How to (FAQs)

Supposed to be commonly asked issues & questions and troubleshoot tricks are in this section.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Gullu theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

How to change the transition time of Gullu slider.

You can change the slide transition time of Gullu slider manually. Here are the manual steps-
– Open the file named theme.js from gullu\assets\js directory with your favorite text editor.
– Then navigate to the line number 51 and change the default time value with your own time duration.
Note: This is a custom task by yourself and does this process at your own risk.

Doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


Example doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Footnote 3 Columns

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds.

Lorem ipsum [1] dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod labore suscipit  animi consequatur. Accusantium quibusdam dolorum at a, numquam deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor [2] sit  amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia quos autem veniam libero! Deleniti nemo quas optio voluptas voluptatibus sint ratione. Id vel error quia ipsam sit saepe [3] hic at amet excepturi ea. Voluptas sunt ratione consequatur  optio porro eaque nam quod ex illum modi id animi fugiat vero explicabo illo officiis assumenda nulla rerum, dignissimos sed dicta pariatur [4] quis eum. Beatae ea cumque alias ducimus quos maxime sed, modi illum at repellendus, ex deleniti nesciunt tempore placeat in accusantium!

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus voluptas molestias expedita, ad dolorem inventore dolorum ipsum deleniti illum tempore veritatis iure nam numquam maxime [5] eaque magnam, similique quo dolore vero optio ex reprehenderit! Et ab voluptatibus minima suscipit necessitatibus magni error, quaerat praesentium [6] iusto corrupti, magnam nostrum repellat. Eligendi ipsam, voluptatibus quidem quos quasi totam aperiam voluptates illum quibusdam similique, sapiente necessitatibus. Dolore in est dolores [7] debitis voluptas, sunt et ullam. Voluptates similique incidunt numquam porro, veniam totam dolore error, iste consequuntur quibusdam [8] quod dignissimos in laborum deserunt impedit cum fugit quisquam ex quo, quidem voluptatum minima velit! Nisi accusantium ullam suscipit sapiente, harum quvelit animi laborum veritatis, ipsam eius, natus facere. Natus voluptates, et deleniti eum odio eligendi dolores cupiditate. Consequuntur hic adipisci quisquam praesentium commodi [9] laudantium sed et modi reprehenderit. Doloribus fuga nesciunt alias autem dolorum unde, veritatis, beatae obcaecati commodi adipisci ut culpa, voluptas qui totam iure consectetur asperiores facilis impedit ullam esse architecto itaque? Culpa, laudantium hic obcaecati molestias doloribus animi quis temporibus qui nam dicta ipsum cumque perferendis similique officia earum sequi ipsa! Voluptates, sint iste corrupti fugiat alias a quisquam voluptatem at amet iure, ullam facere eum porro nisi. Iure optio, accusamus illum, perferendis repudiandae doloribus officiis maiores nobis ut quisquam voluptates. Ex laudantium repudiandae corporis voluptatibus vitae temporibus natus numquam, accusantium earum quidem eveniet animi! Iste alias ducimus velit ipsum itaque, accusamus amet, odio quae suscipit nobis eos eveniet consectetur tempore eum accusantium? Perferendis voluptate asperiores est corporis quia vero impedit minima sed eaque minus blanditiis eius dicta aliquam aperiam quo illum ipsum culpa pariatur doloremque at, id repudiandae atque reprehenderit! Voluptas dolore molestias odio ut recusandae facere vitae saepe distinctio numquam. Nam doloremque voluptatem, excepturi sint eaque temporibus cumque odio obcaecati cum optio assumenda numquam nesciunt neque? Iste ipsum esse modi iusto impedit odio vel neque. Voluptatem.


Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Rogan’ demos, you have to import the demo content. We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature in Rogan. You can import the demo content by a click only.

Install the theme and activate it. Then install all the required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated before you begin.  Then navigate to “Appearance > Import Demo Data” to import the demo data and click on the “Import Demo Data” button.

After Demo Import

After successfully importing the demo content, you will find all the pages in your WordPress admin dashboard’s Pages menu. Find your desired homepage there and start editing this page with Elementor.
Also, you can set your Homepage demo as the Frontpage of your website from Settings > Reading.

Tips: Clean your WordPress site before reinstalling a Demo. You can clean your WordPress with the WP Reset plugin.

An alternative method to import the demo content.

However, you will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘rogan>inc>demos this path. If you failed to import the demo content with one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘contents.xml’ file.
  2. Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widgets.wie’ file.
  3. Now you have to import the Theme Settings as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Import / Export‘. Then click on the Import from File button and copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the settings.json file.

How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.

If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

Banning and Unbanning Players on your Palworld Server

This guide will cover how to ban players from your Palworld server, as well as how to unban them!

Become an Admin

First things first, you’ll want to become an Admin for your server, we have a guide on how to do that here: https://wiki.weoxide.host/docs/game-servers/palworld/how-to-become-admin-of-your-palworld-server/

Finding a Player’s SteamID

Next, you’ll need to know the player’s SteamID, you’ll want to make use of the Show Players command, which shows information on all connected players. Press the Enter key and type:


The second, longer ID here is the SteamID64 of the player that you can use for banning them.

Banning Players

When you want to ban a player, the command is:

/BanPlayer {SteamID}

Example: /BanPlayer 1234567

Kicking Players

If you need to just kick a player from the server, the command is:

/KickPlayer {SteamID}

Example: /KickPlayer 1234567

Unbanning Players

As of the initial launch of Palworld’s Early Access on January 19th, 2024, there is no unban command.

However, you can unban a player by editing a file directly in the “File Manager” tab of the Panel. The file is located in the /Pal/Saved/SaveGames folder and you’ll see the /banlist.txt file.

Make sure the Server is offline, then select the file, click the Edit button, and then you can delete the SteamID of the player you wish to unban.

Options Page 03

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Gullu Core’, ‘Visual composer’ and ‘Codestar Framework’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

How to set site’s favicon?

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon-

Tips / Guide

Deleniti rerum magni hic, lobortis a mattis quibusdam pellentesque iusto posuere ornare distinctio nostrud penatibus nonummy, facilisi molestiae, accumsan ac ridiculus? Facere quisquam reprehenderit! Morbi laboriosam minim? Asperiores illo tincidunt velit irure, culpa nihil commodo earum, feugiat magni. Aperiam ipsum, ex labore sunt condimentum orci! Potenti harum cupidatat, fugit ab?

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image Optimizer, CW Image Optimizer, Imsanity and Hammy. Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.


If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

Reprehenderit bibendum

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Labore scelerisque, ornare architecto?

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Website Builder

Spot of come to ever hand as lady meet on. Delicate contempt received two yet advanced. Gentleman as belonging he commanded believing dejection in by.

Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the aprimo.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract aprimo.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select aprimo.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Contact Page

You can create and configure the Contact page by following the below steps-

Creating the Contact page

Navigate from your WordPress dashboard to Pages > Add New. Then Select the page template as “Contact Page” and click on the Publish button to create the Contact page.

Configuring the Contact page

Go to Theme Settings > Contact Page Settings from your WordPress dashboard to configure the Contact page settings. Here you will get everything you need to change the Contact page template.

Demo Import

You have to import the demo content successfully if you want your site look exactly like the ‘Aprimo’ demo.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Aprimo‘ WordPress theme. You can import all demo contents just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the Theme Settings data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file. You will find the options.txt in this path- inc/demo{disired-demo-number}/txt

Find your page:

Every demo has 3 pages including the  Default homepage, Gradient homepage, and the Particle background homepage. Navigate to Pages from your WordPress dashboard menu to see all pages. Take a look the below screenshot-
Navigate to Settings > Reading to set your specific page as the front page (homepage).

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually. You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘aprimo>inc/demo{disired-demo-number}’ this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘contents.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widgets.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.


Required plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Faster Core’, ‘Visual composer’ and ‘Codestar Framework’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at there Appearance > Install Plugins.


Supposed to be commonly asked issues, questions & troubleshoot tricks are in this section.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).

How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.


If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

Tips / Guide

Quos vesti bulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod fugit, dictumst, optio, parturient auctor pulvinar, inceptos sem. Habitasse! Mattis, litora ipsum, fringilla elementum.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy. Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.

If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

How to change Author Avatar?

The theme uses Gravatar to display users avatars . to create or change your Gravatar :

If you have never setup a Gravatar account:

  1. Register/login to Gravatar. Upon registering, use the SAME email address that is associated with your WordPress User Profile.
  2. Upload your photo and associate it with that specific email address.


If you already registered at gravatar.com, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “My Gravatars”.
  2. click on “Add a New Email”.
  3. Then, you’ll need to click on “Add a New Image”.
  4. Upload an image.
  5. Then select the email address, and then select your image from the bottom. Now it’s associated with that email address. Click Save.
  6. It will take about 5-10 minutes to propagate on the internet, and then will appear on site.

Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize theme’s content from the Theme Settings page. Here you will find all relevant settings to customize the theme.

This section will provide you an in-depth guide on how to use the Theme Options. To access the Theme Settings page, go to- Dashboard > Theme Settings. You will find this page at the top of the Appearance menu.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and change the page/post’s Title bar padding, Page margin-top, Title bar overlay color etc.

Reprehenderit bibendum

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Iusto molestie distinctio

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet


This section will introduce you how to use the Faster‘s shortcodes.

Those are our custom shortcodes developed and integrated with the Visual Composer (VC) plugin. So you can use our shortcodes with Visual Composer drag and drop interface.

You will find all VC integrated shortcodes to VC Add Element popup box’s “Faster” tab.

You can build a specific Faster design element with those shortcodes.

You must have to install the required plugins “Faster Core”, “CodeStar Framework” and “Visual Composer” to use all shortcodes as well. All shortcode elements will appear in Visual composer’s shortcode elements popup box (Faster Tab). Take a look at the above screenshot to see all shortcodes.

Note: You can import a demo and check to see how a shortcode working and displaying.

Sample Doc Title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options Header Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Direction Shortcode

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Dignissimos deleniti recusandae

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Lorem ipsum title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Visual Composer

Visual Composer is a unique plugin, it will help you manage your content on a WordPress site and create stunning layouts in few minutes without coding. Nowadays many websites have complex grid layouts with columns, tabs, sliders and etc. In the past, to create that type of layouts you should be HTML guru or Shortcodes operator ninja.

You will get the Visual Composer plugin with our theme as pre-packaged. You can install it from “Appearance > Install Plugins”.

Here is the documentation with video tutorial Visual Composer Doc

Doc title example

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Doc list title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

This is a example title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Changes Log

—– 1.1 (26 april 2018) ——
Added: One click demo importer
New: Sticky menu
Fixed: Particle background in hero section
Improved: Some shortcode options

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Charles Core’, ‘Elementor’ and ‘Piklist’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

Rust - Plugin - Stack Size Controller

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

This plugin is used to edit the stack sizes of all items.

Stacks can be edited at category level (Weapon, Tool etc) or at individual item level.

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Stack Size controller by AnExiledDev
  • Navigate to the below location in File Manager:
  • Home/Container/Oxide/Config/stacksizecontroller.json
  • Rows 7 – 24 are the item categories.
    • For ease you can just set a multiplier here of you choosing to apply to all items
  • Rows 28 – 825 are the individual items
    • For ease you can search a specific item with CTRL+F to locate it.
    • Modifying at an item level takes more work than category level
  • Save content


Reiciendis tristique dui

Felis nam purus. Lobortis, recusandae id penatibus gravida aspernatur, quos! Mollis aliquam do tincidunt occaecati blandit diam quis! Fames aperiam cursus ipsum? Sapiente deserunt, ipsum rerum posuere diam eum voluptates. Potenti! Sunt quae habitasse, blandit felis! Erat taciti magni fames quasi porttitor euismod dolorem, lobortis, officia. Ducimus blanditiis class praesentium, in et. Dis expedita luctus justo pellentesque? Excepteur pharetra nec, vulputate ex ipsam tincidunt, magnis quos iusto varius commodi fuga tenetur leo! Occaecat cursus aute, aute nisl nemo, velit odit leo delectus nostra cillum, iure maiores voluptatibus blanditiis, leo ea inventore excepteur, porro vitae, architecto arcu, ultrices augue incididunt et.

Orci proident orci porta mattis totam vehicula sapien, auctor possimus, penatibus inceptos incididunt commodi minima dolorum. Turpis aperiam sollicitudin platea quae vehicula, error. Mollitia! Odio fringilla ipsa, proident, minim atque illum deserunt quas eos minus doloribus ullam sem nibh aptent, lorem cum. Quae temporibus convallis. Eu distinctio metus! Lacus elit inventore, curae. At vivamus nec, magni, quis ab volutpat voluptas aliquip alias voluptatem. Sem veniam beatae. Ac rutrum placeat dis, rem perferendis. Cubilia eligendi distinctio? Dapibus rerum modi, felis doloribus est autem, risus dui, saepe, quis dignissim, vero? Beatae mollitia, nobis, provident! Dapibus, dolorem, mattis tristique, iusto libero, dui, quisquam.

Lorem parturient felis sodales sagittis veniam dapibus suspendisse. Fuga arcu officiis debitis ipsa maiores, sem, adipisci, dis architecto, habitant, minus? Irure sit aenean cras, fringilla! Placeat, mi labore! Et vehicula morbi dictumst ad, massa quos sequi, quidem habitant aperiam tempora, habitasse morbi, mi ex nostrum, platea numquam netus. Magnam eum donec, pellentesque ducimus ullam? Earum tempus? Inventore felis quia ea tempore, egestas, ipsam, unde dui eum? Sit voluptates, soluta iure, sapiente incididunt integer ultricies ante, porta adipisci? Dolores aliquet aliquam. Ex habitasse dapibus sagittis curae convallis occaecati hac proident eros? Assumenda in? Aliqua sed, assumenda eget, assumenda doloribus autem consectetuer.

7 Days to Die

Display documentation page layout variations.

Sticky Header with Classic Navbar

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Box Layout Right Sidebar Disabled

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita? 

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem 

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Full-width Layout

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Full width and Right Sidebar Hidden

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

Sticky Header with Box Layout

Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Habitasse amet sed ullamcorper assumenda, quo malesuada gravida, eius sequi vestibulum amet expedita nisl, vitae condimentum eleifend nostrud minima beatae nam architecto aliqua incididunt.

Consequuntur quidem delectus ipsum odit rhoncus cubilia asperiores, dolores minima dolorum fames. Suscipit sunt, repellat scelerisque atque autem nesciunt dolor adipisicing consequat, rem id consectetuer cumque. Beatae ornare velit vitae hendrerit! Adipiscing, nulla? Accusamus senectus montes ipsam justo odio reprehenderit molestiae praesentium netus lectus! Ridiculus? Provident erat facilisi? Pharetra ullamcorper at, cupidatat consectetur voluptas, expedita fusce! Consequatur consectetur? Rerum neque! Nobis qui, eos accusantium deleniti at earum, animi. Nullam quas facilisis explicabo, pellentesque error adipisci laborum reprehenderit veritatis consectetur corporis. Incididunt, neque repellendus hic potenti eligendi magnam eiusmod. Morbi ligula? Taciti? Proin diam animi tempor similique.

Malesuada cillum diamlorem

Voluptatum hymenaeos purus vestibulum, minim sociosqu aliquip ultrices. Parturient ultricies placerat ex? Ea mus deserunt excepturi laudantium dolores, rerum dignissimos vero! Laboris quo officiis odit accusantium penatibus porro, nunc accusantium impedit tempora magni! Pharetra venenatis, orci error, netus quam cupidatat debitis ligula! Tortor hic incididunt! Perferendis cum minima hymenaeos curae occaecat sit aute urna voluptatum laboriosam dapibus sunt deleniti magnis! Cubilia quibusdam dictum. Pariatur? Quae congue. Magnam, bibendum, exercitationem eu? Inventore nibh, pharetra modi mi eveniet amet curae hymenaeos ex feugiat arcu ex nihil, rem ullam fermentum recusandae dui lectus iure cupiditate vulputate per adipisci! Aliqua convallis cursus auctor erat.

Magna suspendisse enim nisl eligendi tempus culpa quod nam interdum, rerum assumenda! Ridiculus vero tristique atque placeat pariatur nam itaque voluptates unde beatae ipsam dignissimos, eu aut! Facilis? Asperiores curae diamlorem placerat! Curabitur eum labore quisquam, nihil adipisci, dui sociis eos. Consequatur hac nibh at? Morbi euismod, ornare, adipisci reiciendis dolorem dis accumsan distinctio? Inceptos libero nonummy cras magnam interdum. Conubia quis at totam aliquid. Nonummy facilisi nulla, exercitationem dolores excepteur harum! Omnis ipsa aliqua. Aliquam. Ornare? Dolore ut tempus hymenaeos eros, donec sapien ornare facilisis dapibus, nisi! Omnis elementum suspendisse cursus nascetur libero minus semper, quas

Molestiae distinctio tempor.

Ligula aliquip magnam, aenean aliquip accumsan, sint incididunt ultrices ut semper adipiscing gravida magna facilisis, distinctio, quo lacinia diamlorem saepe, harum laoreet dui porro eaque. Dapibus exercitationem! Maecenas semper libero molestie? Quisque, reprehenderit egestas? Qui, cumque, tempore excepturi? Illo quo curae mi! Veniam lacus doloribus pariatur quos temporibus lorem minim augue minima sodales dolor. Magni sodales, nunc ipsum torquent adipiscing! Ac ante adipisci? Minus voluptates, accusamus, minim do quae officiis molestias aliquet excepturi commodo, molestias! Nonummy, perferendis! Vehicula lacus condimentum laudantium iusto adipiscing litora habitant cubilia magni elementum? Saepe nostrud ab urna voluptas quia eleifend esse? Mollitia integer sem magnam.

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Lectus eu molestie bibendum do non nihil quidem, laoreet nisl purus itaque, natus molestias leo omnis enim eros officiis varius rhoncus, dictum corrupti urna, vitae convallis aliqua platea proident, sapiente? Ullamcorper earum senectus mi nec repudiandae, nisi tristique perferendis posuere, odit accusantium, ullamco gravida cupiditate interdum sit eos pretium accusantium culpa quaerat illo nostrum voluptas gravida dictumst sollicitudin elementum hymenaeos. Voluptatibus turpis mi. Duis! Consequuntur morbi ducimus, pede similique porta? Nisi dis ornare sagittis fuga donec nascetur faucibus temporibus laborum labore imperdiet assumenda nunc, magna omnis eos! Gravida, ipsum praesentium fames? Autem faucibus ullamcorper hac dolore facere? Pulvinar rem fusce.

Donec sunt quidem natoque labore nostra vulputate ex, rem. Vestibulum senectus nec accumsan nibh mi delectus, maxime delectus, eros perspiciatis, ad, iusto praesent nonummy! Quae laboris at proident anim rerum. Erat! Deleniti, facilisi excepturi velit? Cum. Viverra elementum, earum massa eu dolores erat metus repellendus

Sapien expedita?

Nunc erat. Arcu natoque, nibh! Suscipit. Occaecat, tristique accusamus donec, sagittis orci aliqua mauris, magnis aliquid amet do incidunt hendrerit potenti? Dis, fringilla nisi iaculis totam quos! Eiusmod, tenetur nunc accusamus corporis massa tempore impedit nibh consectetur fugit doloribus cillum orci unde fugit, consequatur porro nesciunt, fugit delectus ullamco nobis semper rhoncus, explicabo semper nostrud consectetuer sociis parturient nostra, porro non netus, praesentium incidunt, incididunt proident taciti! Illum montes ridiculus, netus eius tempore arcu, officiis interdum? Assumenda venenatis, diamlorem dolor nostra dapibus aliquet sed, mollit dolor? Maecenas mus suscipit ultricies at esse ligula eius, nulla dictum congue eleifend.

Fugit illum repudiandae ac ex aliquet, vitae porttitor duis litora. Metus, gravida, semper quia, penatibus sint porro, orci, montes nulla senectus sapien enim quam, iusto tortor varius error inventore dolorem quae lobortis facilis, curabitur, a exercitationem numquam lacinia malesuada ipsum sequi libero? Felis error! Bibendum dolor ut volutpat etiam ridiculus. Magnam! Pede, aute cursus, quos porta, eros, quae magnis blanditiis, ullamcorper doloremque, assumenda, magnis magni in, aliquet inceptos ultricies rutrum labore fermentum dapibus minima cras excepturi proident eveniet consequatur excepturi, pellentesque! Delectus interdum lacinia. Imperdiet sollicitudin bibendum tristique, fugiat voluptas, magna, quis? Id? Tempor sociosqu viverra, laborum veniam. Nostrud quam.

Eget dapibus gravida nostrud! Facilis magnam elit at? Perferendis asperiores labore, pariatur elit rhoncus voluptas nonummy occaecati, voluptates nulla perspiciatis integer platea officiis perspiciatis, nobis incidunt, excepturi necessitatibus esse gravida, mauris eum, repellat repellat turpis urna. Hymenaeos molestias, morbi. Hymenaeos, facilis mattis quasi fames, eu! Tellus diam euismod. Ad condimentum facilisi blanditiis? Vel justo, porro iusto. Quidem ultrices quasi maecenas natus deleniti quisque metus nihil, inventore doloremque ultrices ornare ipsum! Recusandae purus. Posuere augue placeat, irure eos! Animi. Iusto assumenda ullamcorper, occaecat id labore? Nec, quod ipsum optio, suspendisse mollitia. Culpa primis, corrupti molestias diam officiis, fugiat accumsan itaque nostra.

Potenti sem

accumsan massa, iure, cubilia varius tristique mollit? Illum? Conubia elit nullam penatibus magni! Dicta bibendum voluptatibus turpis inventore litora vitae consequat, aspernatur! Natoque, consequat tenetur? Magnam netus expedita, sodales. Ha