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Rust – Plugin – Stack Size Controller

Estimated reading: 1 minute 158 views

NOTE There may be other plugins that serve similar purpose. Below is the one I have used and tested myself. This plugin can be used at a very detailed level. If you wish for more advanced configuration please read the uMod page for this plugin

This plugin is used to edit the stack sizes of all items.

Stacks can be edited at category level (Weapon, Tool etc) or at individual item level.

  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Plugins Rust
  • Search for and install Stack Size controller by AnExiledDev
  • Navigate to the below location in File Manager:
  • Home/Container/Oxide/Config/stacksizecontroller.json
  • Rows 7 – 24 are the item categories.
    • For ease you can just set a multiplier here of you choosing to apply to all items
  • Rows 28 – 825 are the individual items
    • For ease you can search a specific item with CTRL+F to locate it.
    • Modifying at an item level takes more work than category level
  • Save content


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Rust – Plugin – Stack Size Controller

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