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Rust – Server Maintenance – Add a Custom Map

Estimated reading: 1 minute 159 views
NOTE This guide will walk you through how to add a custom map
  • Log on to the game panel.
  • Select the server you wish to set up
  • Navigate to Startup on the left hand panel
  • Custom Map URL
    • Overwrites the map with the one from the direct download URL. Invalid URLs will cause the server to crash.
    • To create your URL simply upload your purchased map to dropbox then copy the shared link.
    • When pasting the link into the URL section it will look like so: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rn8e722v04yqfs7/mapname.map?dl=0
    • Ensure you change the dl=0 to dl=1 to be able to use this map
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Rust – Server Maintenance – Add a Custom Map

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